Australian Scientist Found A Tooth So Big It’s Hard to Believe This Monster Actually Existed

Australian Scientist Found A Tooth So Big It’s Hard to Believe This Monster Actually Existed

Top 20 Strangest Things Recently Discovered in Australia. Welcome to the land down under, where bizarre creatures roam free, and strange beasts rule the land. From the demon shark that will give you nightmares for days, to a toad on steroids, these are the twenty strangest things recently discovered in Australia.

Please, for heaven's sake, please PLEASE learn the difference between archaeology (and its parent discipline, anthropology) and paleontology. Archaeologists have nothing to do with 40-million-year-old bugs in amber (though we may admit that they are cool), and those bugs were entrapped long after the breakup of the supercontintents like Gondwana. Even an archaeologist knows that... Sheesh.


Australian Scientist Found A Tooth So Big It’s Hard to Believe This Monster Actually Existed

40 million years ago is during the period just before the last segments of Gondwana - South America, Antarctica and Australia - finally separated from each other, NOT when it was as shown all together, which ended during the Jurassic period, very much earlier.

I have a fossil megalodon tooth in my living room that is at least 40% larger then the one you showed as the "find of the century". Pretty pedestrian.

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