15 Things Seaworld Doesn’t Want You To Know
Back in the 20th Century it seemed like Sea World was the coolest place on Earth. You can actually go and visit a place which had killer whales in tanks, and you could get right up close to these unbelievable animals and see how smart and playful they were. But then some people started to think…hey if they’re that smart, maybe keeping them in a little swimming pool instead of the whole entire ocean is a little…cruel? Then in 2013 the documentary Blackfish came out and won a lot of praise…but also made Sea World look pretty bad. Does Sea World help animals or is it cruel? The debate goes on, but from the nature of killer whale fins to their breeding programme, we are going to show you 15 Things Seaworld Doesn’t Want You To Know! ► For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com
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