These Are The Scariest Creatures Ever Caught On Camera

These Are The Scariest Creatures Ever Caught On Camera

 These Are The Scariest Creatures Ever Caught On Camera

Who doesn’t want to see a video proving that Bigfoot exists while they’re on a morning jog, or picture evidence of the Loch Ness monster while doing your taxes? While those instances haven’t happened just yet, it seems like photographers are drawing closer and closer to capturing some of the biggest mysteries out there. From a mermaid to the legendary Mothman, we’re counting down 20 Scary Creatures Accidentally Caught on Camera!

Wow! I’ve got a pic of a creature(& it’s real) that is unknown to me or anyone but, It sort of looks like a juvenile dragon ish maybe? I don’t know but, it’s weird for sure & I don’t mind sharing it. I now believe that anything is possible & almost nothing shocks me anymore. Awesome video!

These Are The Scariest Creatures Ever Caught On Camera



When i lived in boise me and a friend felt the wind and heard a whoosh sound one moonless summer night around 1983 -84..we both knew it was a huge bird..probably one of those really freaked us out we ran inside my friends house

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